There's lots of stuff I'd like to blog about, but, well... I have not enough time for it. So if you are dying to read things I've written or are thinking about in the world of medical or New Haven residency, here are some links:
My performance evaluations so far agree that I'm always working on improving my own medical case presentations, so I guess I'm an expert worth asking how you should present cases on rounds.
I continue to try and stir up some controversy in the ethics conversation board over at MedStudent Connect, but still thus far, I've not had any takers...
If ever I have the time, I'm thinking of joining the Elm City Cycling advocacy group because of the excellent ideas they put forward in their recent recommendation to leaders in New Haven's City Hall. Biking in New Haven has kept me from putting on the pounds that interns typically gain.
Like my sister, we are gearing up for a small seedling farm to stock our backyard garden. Until I get a chance to write about our activities, read what she is up to.
At the end of December I attended and spoke at an aldermanic committee meeting about red light camera legislation. It was actually a meeting to recommend support for a resolution to be voted on by the full city council to indicate that New Haven supports proposed state legislation permitting municipalities to install red light cameras should their citizens approve them. Were there enough condionals in that sentence? I learned a little bit more about how municipal government works and spoke for a policy I support. We shall see if anything comes of it!
And I know everyone is out there waiting with bated breath for the June 2010 issue of Virtual Mentor because it will focus on ethical dilemmas in emergency medicine. Until then, you'll just have to read other excellent issues about different topics in medical ethics.
Finally, I am pleased to announce that our kitchen remodel is nearly complete. For your viewing pleasure, here are before and after photos.
The low image quality is because I used the iPhone. But methinks the shots are good enough for you to get the idea. I'm going to go install the dishwasher right now!
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